"The landscape and silence inhabit the works of John Cormier in a fusion of colors that returns expressive power to places, enhances them and enhances their evocative power. There is no room for the human figure, only the landscape and its eloquent representation. The color is pure and nuanced, so as to leave the observer with a sense of restless disorientation."
Elena Gradini, art critic "Percorsi Visivi" September 2023, Angelica Gallery, Rome Italy
Spaces, time and atmosphere are themes in my work. The spaces where we live, the landscapes, the streets beg the artist in me to tell their stories. Time stops then gets relived in my art. The painting invites the viewer to listen, enter, and experience dimensions where we spend our lives. Beauty is all around us made better when there is an artist to show us.
I grew up in New England and currently live in Rome, Italy. I studied architecture at Pratt Institute in Brookyn, New York where I learned to see and create from artists and architects, most notebly, the Florentine futurist architect Vittorio Giorgini who taught me how to see. Painters who taught me that every brushstroke was meaningful and important, that a painting without a story is just a painting.
I then worked with talented designers, artists and architects in New York City and in Connecticut during a time where a bustling economy and generous budgets allowed for creative freedom and completion of projects. It was still a time when creativity was accomplished by hand and without computers.
I paint to reveal the unseen and unnoticed spaces, the lights and colors with oil, a medium that allows its full expression. My paintings are not a window into my soul, but into the soul of the viewer.
“Art is the sensuous presentation of ideas”, Hegel
Art Exhibits
Premio Borgo, Scala d'Oro Gallery, 2018, Rome, Italy
Percorsi Visivi, 2023 Rome, Italy